2021 Emilia Romagna GP: Race pace

The images shown above are vectors. You can zoom in on them as much as you want to see in which lap was each individual time done. To get the png file for the fastest drivers, click here. To get the png file for the slowest drivers, click here.

The main idea of this chart is to show the representative average race pace of each driver. Since plotting the raw data will not show accurate information, I have to do a bit of data pre-processing.

To remove the outliers, I use an IQR method. This means that the race pace analysis removes laps that are considered to be anomalous. This includes the first lap, laps done when the safety car was out and incomplete laps (laps when the driver went in or out of the pits).

If laps were done with the intermediate or wet tires, then they were considered for this analysis.

The box represents a modified box plot, with the line in the middle representing the mean (average) time done by each driver. The top and bottom line respectively represent the 75% percentile and the 25% percentile.

Remember that drivers with more pit stops tend to have faster times than drivers with fewer pit stops.


  1. Speedrummer

    Why 4 pit stops for Hamilton? He had 1 “standard”, 1 “emergency” and 1 under the red flag. Did I miss something?

    BTW Thank you for your work.

    • admin

      Hello Speedrummer

      First of all, thank you for the nice comment. About the pit stops, that’s basically a bug caused by the red flags. I have an automated script which detects pit stops and plots the information. When drivers go into the pit lane, even if it’s just to drive through or to stop because of a red flag, the script gets the wrong information.

      I try to check that the info that my script is getting is accurate, but sometimes I do miss a thing or two.

      • Speedrummer

        You’re welcome! I’m happy you’re doing these analyses and I’m always looking forward to your race reports.

        Going back to the Grand Prix. Now when you’ve made your script clear to me, I think your it was actually accurate. Before the restart of the race, the drivers that were lap down, including Hamilton, did one lap on the track and returned to the pits. So script didn’t “mess” anything. It got “confused” by the restart procedure. Hope my comment has bring some clarity!


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