My message to you

The 2019 Formula 1 season reached its conclusion after months of great (and not so great) races. With Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes Benz being crowned champions once again, we have to look back at the decade and remember their dominance during the hybrid-era.

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this season. While Mercedes went (mostly) unchallenged once again, both Ferrari and Red Bull showed signs of resurgence. I have the feeling that Mercedes will have to work harder than ever next year if they want to start the new decade just as they finished this one.

Talking a little bit about myself, this has been the most challenging year of my life. I finished my master’s degree a couple of years ago, and finding a job has been an extremely difficult task. Unfortunately, the contract that I had from my previous position expired last December, and since then, I have been technically unemployed. I only say technically because I do have a job, but I only work for 3 to 5 hours a week, doing manual labour at the chemistry department from the local university.

As a blogger, I have to make clear that I am not a statistician. I am an engineer in biotechnology with a master’s degree in biology. I have used statistical analyses for an important part of my life, and lately I realized how much I enjoyed working with them.

During this year I took the time to learn even more about statistics, and decided to launch this blog with the hope of reaching people like you. My main idea was to show you that statistics are fun and useful, and that while they are a powerful tool, they must also be interpreted carefully.

I haven’t felt the need to create incredibly complex models because this is not a blog about statistics. This is a blog about Formula 1, analyzed with the use of statistics. I want everyone who reads my articles to understand the message that I am trying to convey, not to scratch their heads in confusion.

While I have had a good time analyzing data, and creating what I believe are insightful and easy to understand analyses, I am not sure what the next year holds for me.

I am extremely fortunate to have a loving girlfriend who has made many sacrifices to keep this household afloat. It’s only because of her that I have had the time to improve my skills, with the hope of increasing my possibilities of landing a good job.

However, after a year of applying to hundreds of positions, and receiving pretty much nothing in return, I now realize that the time of waiting for the right job is coming to an end. Right now I feel massive disappointment and hopelessness. I believe that I have something valuable to offer, but that people haven’t given me the chance to show them what I can do.

Having told you a part of my story, I, unfortunately, have to say that I may have to put this blog on hold. I have not made a final decision about what I will do since you never know what life has for you around the corner, but at the moment I am not extremely optimistic.

For the moment, I will try to finish the year on a high. I will post some articles regarding the season as a whole, with the idea of creating summaries of what we have seen during the year. My first post will come tomorrow, and hopefully, the next one will be online soon after that.

If you are still reading this, I want to thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little bit. I hope that you have enjoyed the content that I have created, and that you have learned something from my short analyses.

Finally, I want to thank specifically the Tweakers’ Formula 1 forum. You guys have shown me how passionate Dutch people are, and have allowed me to show you my analyses even without being able to speak a word of dutch. You have been a breath of fresh air during this difficult year, and hopefully we’ll talk again next year.

In any case, I just want to say that I wish you the best in your present and future. May you enjoy the winter holidays, and have a fantastic 2020.

Take care. 


  1. Fabian

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a comment here, but I was lurking from time to time. I thoroughly enjoyed your statistics and especially that you explained everything in an easy way. Your statistics and analysis have been a must-read for me this season and I will definitely miss them in the next year!

    • admin

      Thank you Fabian.

      I still haven’t decided what I will do, and as you know, things can change very quickly. Hopefully, things will improve soon.
      I hope you check the blog from time to time before the end of the year. I will write a few articles that will be longer than usual, with more in-depth information.

  2. Marc

    It’s the same for me, your site is a must for me and the first thing im waiting to read after after the free practices. It would be sad to see it disappear.

    However sometimes life interferes and priorities change. Best of luck and thanks for your work!


    • admin

      Hi Marc

      It’s certainly disappointing when things don’t work out the way you expect. Hopefully, things will get better soon for both of us. Who knows, perhaps before the next season things will be better, and I will be able to continue
      For now, all I can say is thank you for taking the time to visit this site. I really appreciate it.

  3. Maks

    Really really glad that I found your site this year. As an F1 commentator, your info was really useful during the season. Keep it up and consider to start Patreon page or link an donation button.

    • admin

      Thanks Maks

      I have a small donation button on the upper right corner of the site. I thought about starting a patreon, but the unfortunate reality is that I don’t really have many readers at the moment. I will still consider it, I mean, if people want to donate then that’s good, if not, then that’s good too.

      • Maks

        Yeah, it’s quite small button 😉 Now I see it!
        I strongly recommend to start Patreon with small readership and build up from there. Your content is really good and I bet with active posting on Reddit r/Formula1 you’ll grow fast.

  4. jeroentje

    Dear Masterofthef1numbers ,

    Thank you for all the hard work you put in to this site/blog. i like to think of myself as a die hard F1 fan and when
    i discovered your site and all the graphs and comments covering the GP’s . It really give me a better insight in to the teams and driver data.!Chapeau
    Love your work!Unfortunatly i can’t help you to promote this site on the web because i’m not on social media! But i’ll try figuring
    something out for the next season.Maybe i”ll hand out some flyers if you would like at zandvoort GP.
    Anyway, whatever you decide to do for next year! Best of luck to you and your family!

    • admin

      Thanks, Jeroentje

      I’m still thinking about what to do. If I continue, which is not a guarantee at all right now, I will think about the best way to process the data that we talked about.

      • Jeroen

        Take your time! Btw I made another small contri.

        • admin

          Jeroen, you are far too kind. I just saw your donation and boy, I really wasn’t expecting it. Thank you very much, you didn’t have to.
          I just did another article, which may not be what you are expecting as a Red Bull fan haha, but you know that I try to be as unbiased as possible in my articles. In any case, thank you very much once again Jeroen. I will try to repay you with some insights into the world of F1. I promise you that I will do an analysis of Mr. Verstappen soon. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it.

  5. Paolo

    You did a really good work for this season. I think you’re one of the best analiser on the web. You should send all the data you create to some sport newspaper ’cause i ve never found such good datas as yours. Greetings from Italy =)

    • admin

      Hello Paolo

      Thank you for the nice comment, I really appreciate it. I am working on a new project that should be out in the next few days. After that, we’ll see what’s next. There’s alway so much to do, and so little time to do it.

      Stay tunned for an update =)


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